Thursday 5 November 2009

3D exploration of the pattern:

Model 1:

Extruding the different colour bars to varying heights.  Black, the more dominant & constant bar, is extruded at x3 it's width, whilst the red is half this height.  The white remains a frame between the bars & rest at a higher level above the red.

This simple extrusion is then worked upon, applying a merging of volumes, whereby the attachment of the red is morphed to the edge of the black: (below an example of the bars being transformed)

The result being an increased relationship and connectivity between the bars.  below is how these 2 bars sit against one another, these can then be moved around to produce some other interesting relationships of passages, etc.

Model 2:

In parallel to this an exploration in shifts in heights was examined.  As one bar rotates up or down, the height difference along the bar also increases or decreases respectively.

Resulting in a more dynamic 3D height arrangement, expecially in elevation.

Model 3:

Here, the idea was to carve the pattern from a block of foam in order to create a balance between the volumes of the bars and the inverted space between (with the idea if the inverted space was to be cast a similar series of bars would be produced).  This was in order to resist the amount of void space apparent from my 'variation 2' pattern.

As these sections of bars get moved around and rotated (photos above, middle and right), it is interesting to see a quick variation between the arrangement here and the original (above left) regular solid and void pattern.  This pattern can therefore be very easly manipulated within the wider field of the pattern.

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