Thursday 5 November 2009

Patterns continued... (work from Thursday 29th Oct)

Continuation of pattern investigation:

Exploring variation 2 further:

Below: variation 2:

Analysing the build up of the pattern, by breaking apart the grid, by determining the horizontal & vertical bands of each colour:

Below - the horizontal grid in which each colour sits within (blank areas denote that the colour did not appear in this row):

Below - the set of vertical grids which each colour sits within, combined with the horizontal (blank areas denote that the colour did not appear in the column):

Using these grids above the layering combination was then explored in order to experiement with both creating potential volumes of colour, as well as determining the extent of variation within the pattern which emerges when various colours take the top layer (foreground).

Below: the layering experiment (bottom; just horizontal band, middle; both horizontal & vertical, top; when the void space from variation 2 is applied).

Outcomes: The black, red, white ordering (second column) offers the most balanced pattern.  It also brings to question, more strongly, which colour actually appears to sit on top of the other, a visual trait found within the original painting by Josef Albers. This idea of layering will also help initial exploration in the 3D modeling of the pattern.

Another variation applied to varitaion 2:

Here (left) each bar has been 150% on the horizontal axis at each center point in order to expand the pattern from the confines of a square.  The idea being further bars can be later added & inserted more seemlessly.
(right) the diagonal is explored - certain bars have been rotated toward the void spaces to create more heterogeneity.

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