Thursday 5 November 2009

Patterns continued:

The pattern so far is too linear in one direction (the horizontal), hence i need to find a way to create a movement or visual line in the vertical axis also.

Studying some of Bridget Riley's (Op Artist) work may help to understand how this may be achieved:
Her work below demonstrates how a line in one axis, once distorted, can create the visual appearance of a series of lines following the perpendicular.

Bridget Riley, 'Blaze'





Some attempts of combining this into my pattern:
Also illiminating the need for me to rotate certain bars, instead using the system used in Bridget Riley's 'Shift', whereby a diagonal is introduced, but with more purpose.

1.  The grey/red and white bars corners and centers determine the placement of the diagonal, with the black remaining the straight edge.

2.  Below: a system of black bars, which shift rows to the following black bar, at the meeting of a grey/red bar, at which point (in 3D) the height will lower (or raise if the white bar is the catalyst for the change in row).

This appears to open up more breaks in the continuous bars due to the shift, and also relaxes the pattern from a rigid horizontal axis.

Some 3D represntation: (which will eventually be modelled as part of a larger field of pattern (once continued) rather than what appears to be currently an object)

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